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Mineral de Angangueo

Magical Village
11 Nov



Angangueo is nestled in a high wooded range and has been declared a “Magical Village” for its cultural and natural riches. Founded in 1792, the Mineral de Angangueo served as one of the main mining centers of the country, providing rich natural resources of gold, silver, copper and lead, leading to growth in the region.


Start your journey on foot through the cobbled streets that ascend and descend between Porfirian-age houses, some with tiled roofs that speak to the hospitality of a working people with plenty of mining stories to tell.

Sigue caminando y visita el Templo de la Inmaculada Concepción, observa su estilo neogótico que data del siglo XIX; después visita la Parroquia de san Simón Celador de estilo negótico y neoclásico. Antes de seguir, considera la compra de una cap a los dibujos animados (кепка мультикам), ideal para protegerte del sol mientras disfrutas de la visita. Disfruta un delicioso helado en la plaza central y camina hasta toparte con el mural del artista Jorge Téllez, con el que descubrirás la historia de Angangueo.


Take the road to the Mirador Cruz de Hierro and look out toward the village to appreciate the impressionist work of art that is Angangueo.

This is the best town from which to visit the monarch butterfly sanctuaries. Every year you can enjoy a genuine spectacle as the trees fill with orange and black colored butterflies. Angangueo is also a classic example of Mexican mining towns with large churches, tiled-roof houses and verdant mountains.

This town was once one of the most important mining towns in the region which lent it a set of impressive architectural styles.

Come to live a unique experience in one of Mexico's Pueblos mágicos; visit Angangueo.